if you're on mobile, I recommend going on your pc or change ur browser to desktop mode

Hello! Welcome to my humble little page :D
I'm the one and only wimser_rat! I'm a big cartoon nerd <3 My hobbies include drawing, animating, gaming (eugh) and the occasional streaming on twitch !
Please do consider checking out my other stuff :3 and don't forget to fill my guestbook since you're here!!!


If you're on mobile, I recommend going on your pc or change ur browser to desktop mode

Oh so you're interested in commissioning me? Thank you :3!!!
Under this box you will find everything I offer and their prices!
Please read the TOS before contacting me about a commission.

Terms of service

By commissioning me you agree to the following terms:As the artist, I can ...♥ - post your commission to my social media/to advertise unless specified otherwise.
♥ - decline any commission.
-As the client, you can...♥ - edit the artwork I made, as long as I still get credit
♥ - print for personal use
♥ - ask for updates whenever, but please do not spam. I will update you while I work on it.
♥ - post the artwork to your social media, as long as I still get credit
♥ - sell for profit* (only in specific cases; contact me for further information)
--------------------------------------Payment & refunds
♥ - Payment will be done through Stripe or Ko-fi
♥ - I do not accept any other payment method
♥ - Payment will be done upfront, and I will start as soon as I have confirmed your order.
♥ - If upfront payment is not possible, you may pay half price first and pay the rest when I'm halfway done.
♥ - Refunds: I don't know how to refund if i'll be honest, so there will be no refunds until i do (plz lmk if you do!). But you can trust me to work on your commission
♥ - small changes are free, but you will be charged for big changes.
--------------------------------------will draw
♥ - humans, furries, NSFW, gore
will NOT draw
♥ - Mecha, realism (realistic portraits of people or pets)
♥ - anything illegal or things I find immoral (cp, incest, SA, etc.)
--------------------------------------Feel free to ask anything about these terms of service, of course